Jan 15, 2025 | [ru]


«Better Than Adventure» (BTA) is an extensive mod for Minecraft beta 1.7.3, bringing out regular updates attempting to create a more "finalized" version of beta Minecraft while also maintaining the look and feel of the game pre-adventure update. BTA works very different from other mods as it acts as more of a "fork” of Minecraft, than an addition to it. Existing mods for Beta 1.7.3 are not compatible with BTA. However, we are working hard to allow the community to make and publish their own mods for BTA specifically.


Minecraft has changed a lot since its initial beta period in 2011. The game has grown substantially, and new features, mechanics and systems continue to be added even to this day. While this is all well and good, there are still players out there who don't enjoy the direction the game took post-release, or simply have nostalgia for beta minecraft and wish to return to a time without hunger, experience or enchantments with a few bells and whistles on.

Better Than Adventure is designed to appeal to these players who enjoy the simpler gameplay of the old beta versions of Minecraft, yet also want to try something new and exciting. Think of it as an "alternate universe" version of minecraft that attempts to maintain the look-and-feel of beta 1.7.3, while also keeping things fresh with new features and additions such as new blocks, biomes and quality of life improvements. Despite what the name implies, this mod isn't necessarily trying to offer something inherently better than modern Minecraft, just something different. Think of it as a long-lost branch of Minecraft, what could have been if Notch and Jeb took the game in a slightly different direction.

While BTA is designed mostly to appeal to older players who grew up with beta, the aim of the mod in general is simply to offer an alterate take on the game. So if you're just looking for something new to enjoy, try this mod out too. You may like it!

Features and Changes

Technical Changes

New Features and Gameplay Changes

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What's Better than Adventure?

Q: How can I get Better than Adventure?

Q: What does this mod do?

Q: Who works on this mod?

Q: How can I help with this mod?

Q: Is BTA compatible with other mods?

Q: Why can't I craft a bed?

Q: Can you backport a feature from modern Minecraft?

Q: When's the next update coming out?